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Do you have additional tips on how to ensure security of my personal data and account information
1. Keep your account information private: Do not share your username, password, registered phone number and email address to other people, your friends or family. Protecting this information is important to prevent account theft where a third party can gain unauthorize access by pretending to be the owner of the account.
Be reminded that the member is responsible to anything that might happen to their respective accounts.
2. Do not share with an account: Access to the account should be available only to the owner of the account. Sharing account commonly results in issues like, loss of funds or account ownership conflict. Sharing account does not provide the same safety, therefore it is best to have your own personal account in order to have total control and ownership of the account.
3. Maintain Active Information: Do not forget and keep active, details such as phone numbers and email address. These details can be used to keep your access to your account in case you forgot your password.
4. Create a strong password: Create a strong, long and hard to guess password. Try to mix letters with numbers in order to enhance the security of your account. We advise to regularly change your password.
A strong password consist of:
(6-20) Characters
Have capital letters (A-Z)
Have small letters (a-z)
Have numbers (0-9)
No special characters (@!%*&#)
5. Clear Cache and Cookies: Regularly clear browser cache and cookies, to remove saved data that might be a way for a third party to have unauthorize access to your account. Especially if you are using a public device.
6. Report suspicous activities: If you suspect that a third party has accessed your account, change your password immediately and check your transaction history. Report suspicious activities on Live Chat or email at It is important to be vigilant to ensure the security of your account.