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Betvisa Casino – What is Dice?

Dice are small, throwable objects often cube-shaped, each side of which is marked with a different number of dots (pips). The most common type of dice is the six-sided die, where each face has a number from 1 to 6.

In addition, the game is often referred to simply as “dice” or “craps.” Here are some common types of bets in a game of dice:

Pass Line Bet: A basic bet in craps where the player is betting that the shooter (the person rolling the dice) will win.

Don’t Pass Bet: The opposite of the Pass Line bet. Here, the player is betting against the shooter, hoping that the shooter will lose.

Come Bet: Similar to the Pass Line bet, but it is made after the “come-out” roll. The player is essentially betting on the next roll.

Don’t Come Bet: Similar to the Don’t Pass bet but made after the “come-out” roll.

Place Bets: Betting on a specific number (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10) to be rolled before a 7.

Field Bet: Betting on the outcome of the next roll being a 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, or 12.

Big 6 and Big 8 Bets: Betting that a 6 or 8 will be rolled before a 7.

Hardway Bets: Betting that a specific pair (e.g., two 4s) will be rolled before a 7 or before the same number is rolled as a non-pair.

Any Seven Bet: Betting that a 7 will be rolled on the next throw.