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Welcome to our Help Desk Here you’ll find answers to the most common Questions

Contact our Support for more Help.

How do I change my email address/phone number?

“Step 1: Email us at support.vnd@betvisa.com, using the subject line ‘Request to change email address/phone number/Both’ and include the following details:

– Change email address:
user name
First and last name
Phone number
Current balance
Reason for change
Old email
New email
2-sided CCCD photo, clear and clear information (balance under 10k is not needed)

– Change phone number
user name
First and last name
Email address
Current balance
Reason for change
Old phone number
New phone number
Photo to verify the owner’s phone number from the phone switchboard you are using
Clear 2-sided CCCD photo with clear information (Newly registered accounts that have not yet participated in deposits and withdrawals are not required)

-Change both
user name
First and last name
Reason for change
Old phone number
New phone number
Old email
New email
Photo to verify the owner’s phone number from the phone switchboard you are using
2-sided CCCD photos are sharp and clear with information

*** Note:
If you would like to update your email address, please email from your new email account
The new email address / new phone number you want to use must ensure that the information has not been registered with Betvisa

Step 2: Contact our 24/7 customer support team to request a change.

Step 3: After completing the document review and verifying all information is correct, please wait for our notification to be sent via your newly confirmed email address.

*** Note: Account information cannot be changed more than 3 times.
Personal information such as Username, Full Name, Date of Birth and Bank Account Holder information cannot be changed.
This policy is intended to ensure the safety of your account.
Please always keep your account information up to date.”